me n andrea me n cheryl hey u guys!!! see these pics?? these 2 ppl here are my frens from the same sch which is....BUSINESS!!!! but diff course.. the orientation for these 2 days,we get to noe which is our class,meet our classmates,mentor n blah blah blah..but wait!!! i didnt get to do most of those things coz i'm in the CHEERLEADING COMPETITION. these are my cheerleading frens. our cheer very cool leh.business cheer was like the typical cheerleading routine but all other sch didnt do tat.they dance,dikir barat n wat so ever la. all the SL tot we can win coz we were all synchronised,but unfortunately Applied Science won. BUT.....BUSINESS WIN THE WAR!!!! woooohoooo~~~~ i'll update more business cheerleaders' pics ok.bye 4 now. very tired leh..gd nite!!
# posted by mira at
11:33 PM