'Kerana Fateha' had a very very sad ending. I cried even though the storyline is predictable. I told my mum that Fateha is going to be sent to hospital for some reason, and that's exactly what happened. I told my mum, after Fateha has called everybody's names, she's going to die, and that's EXACTLY what happened. haha. I can be the director already. haha. ok whatever. The point is, i cried. haha.
Just one comment. I think Norfa's acting is so not believeable. So buruk sey she cry, and it looked so fake. And she cannot say any other line than "Mama, Fateha mama. Fateha mama. Maafkan Dia, Fateha. Fateha. Fateha. Fateha" That's all she said. I think the scriptwriter had run out of idea for good script. haha. Evil sey. That's what i do when i watch drama, especially Malay Drama. I comment on their acting, laughed at how fake is the script and acting and the location. It's funny la. When these characters wanted to discuss something serious, surely they go to places like a garden or park. All the nice nice scenery. So not real. Why cannot film it at the voiddeck or what. haha. ok ok. Whatever. Now i have to do a storyline and script for my CDS project, Understanding Theatre. I hope my story wont turn out like all the drama-mama story. But i tend to use to the drama-mama style ar. haiz. HELP ME!!!
# posted by mira at
11:18 PM