THANKS HUDAAAAAAA!!!The codes to my blogskin doesn't have any problem. Only that i took codes from the movable type, not the blogger main one. hehe.
TRYING to do my homework, but comm skill is sooo damn boring that i chose to be distracted by all these complications.heh.
PROJECTS PROJECTS PROJECTS!!!!! Cant they just grade us by sucking all the knowledge we have out and evaluate them?? Wouldn't that be much easier??? Life...what can i say.
TP is going to have its annual open house on the 10th till 12th January. Nira Nyertika will be performing on the 10th. Wanna watch?? Free only. Just stand there and watch. hehe. But i dont know what time la.
Ok now, suddenly January has alot of birthdays. Haq, Abg Suhaimy, Zikry, Liyana, Azza, Kak lin. Wah! Kak lin's family conquer January la. Mohammad Haziq Zikri's birthday is coming on the 13th
(he was born on Friday the 13..heh).
The little boy right there. Handsome right???hehe.. his uncle said he has the potential of a heartbreaker. Too handsome la.hehe.
Anyways,he's going to be 2 years young this year. So,
# posted by mira at
2:55 AM