any quote here///
And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Saturday, October 25, 2008

These are the pictures from the Fish Spa 'session'. See how the fishes attack Suhailah's left foot. That much attack her when she has only dipped in one foot. Imagine two feet! Eeee!!

These are the pictures from my raya day spent with Hidayah and Suhailah. Only the three of us go jalan raya. haha. Pathetic, i know. But atleast we made the effort la kan. hehe. We only managed to go each other's houses, coz the supposed visited house was cancelled due to some reasons la. If not, we would have 5 or 6 houses to go and Ella would also follow us, but it's ok, we had fun lepak-ing at each other's house watching movies as our families were all not home. haha. At Hidayah's house, we watched 'Kecoh-kecoh nak raya'. Suhailah's, we rented the movie 'Bring it on, in it to win it'. My place, we watched 'Ganyut'. Bring it on 3 was not as good the previous ones. hmmm...

At Hidayah's place. She was still in her shorts. haha.

At Suhailah's. Her kittens are supercute laaaaa!!! Tabby and Tammy. I especially love Tammy. He's a good boy. Tabby is so naughty la. She never sits still. AND...i even touched them laa!! I'm so proud of myself. LOL. I almost carried Tammy but i didn't grip him tight so he escaped. haha.

Tabby is at the top, Tammy at the bottom.

Suhailah carrying Tabby. Tabby's closer to her.

Feeding time.

Tammy lepak-ing after drinking his milk.

Instead of the normal green packet, Suhailah's mum packaged the money in a fake ketupat! Stylo milo or what siah!

Failed attempt to do multiple jump shots.

OK i'm done. Pictures taken at my house could not be uploaded as i was not 'PROPERLY' dressed. If you know what i mean. hehe.

k Bye. Muah!