any quote here///
And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Monday, December 15, 2008

This is how our babies are going to look like in the future. My family is going to be like Angelina Jolie's coz we are a multi-racial family. haha. We have caucasion,african and mixed babies. LOL

I got carried away and did this. This is how my baby is going to look like with Ashton Kutcher. He's a boy, NOT a girl. Sorry baby. Wrong choice of frame. heh.

These are my babies with Zac Efron.

And this baby belongs to Wentworth Miller and I. heh.

BUT WAIT! YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET. THIS is what happen if i have this baby by myself (how would that be possible..haha).

This is just for fun la hah. I bet our babies (mine and my lover's,Syaaban) will be much cuter and look more baby-ish coz all these babies looks old to me. haha.