any quote here///
And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And the presentation is OVER!! wooohoo~~

Although i didn't stress myself about it like for weeks, but still..the tiring preperation to write scripts and re-write the outline. fuhh! Glad it's over.

We were the last group to present. It was good for the fact that we had more time to practise, but on the other hand, the waiting time makes me more nervous.

Our presentation is about discouraging teens from getting tattoos. After the presentation, Mrs Raimi commented that my presentation was good at the beginning but at one point, i was like speechless. Lots of ermm..err..umm..shish!! We scored 68/90 for our report and i scored B for my written test. Hope the results will turn out fine.

My coursework grades are all ok ok only. Got Cs and Ds. Exam is next two weeks. I really hope i can bring myself to study during the study week. I really need to score!! Someone help me please!! hmmph.

Ok la. Nothing as to post. That's all folks!

PS: I miss my baby.

PS: Slumber Party is going to be held like around this week or next week. The theme this time would be celebrities look-alike. I'm planning to look like Avril Lavigne. heh. Can't wait to have lotsa crazy fun time with cuzzies. Love you guys!!