any quote here///
And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Today, Nira Nyertika had a barbeque 'gathering'. Pestered kak ani to send my friends and I to Changi Beach coz we brought like tonnes of stuffs. Treated her 2 pieces of Munchy Donuts' donut. haha. Redundant.

Reached at 1pm. Told the girls to come from 2pm onwards. Skali i forgot to bring the butter. lol.Sorry girls. Waited for like 2 or 3hrs till Naq's family came to the rescue. Then Fiza came and helped us with the barbeque thingy. She's the 'fire starter' of the day. hehe. Thanks Fiza! She said she likes to play with fire. hehe. Then Saihah and Faz came, the couple of the year.

Then kak ilah called saying that she and kak ani wanted to fetch me. Nasib baik you..i malas want to go take the bus la with all my big big stuffs like tent, ice container all that. Malas you know. hehe. Sorry Yana! coz she had to bring home my ice container coz they filled it with drinks. hehe.

Went home, watched 'Kelakar rabak!'. Superhilarious! To me la. I laughed almost the entire time of the movie.

So now here i am. Blogging. time!

"Are ya ready?" *immitates the hot Criss Angel* huhu.

"We eat first la. So hungry la"

The theme was kampong style. So we had to bring kain batik or pelekat kampung style. lol. Wanita melayu terakhir la nie.

Fau in the tent.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~ Swing me babeh!

Fierce nye kak. hehe.

"Ready?? okeh cepat Mira lari!!" haha. Timer la.

Fau promoting Yana's kain. Interested??hehe

Where you at?? Boring laaaaa...tired tau waiting for ya'

The 'fire starter' in action

Bbq starts

Yana halau-ing the ever-so-irritating-lalat!! You want to eat must pay up okeh! lol


Sorry guys. I had to go first. hehe.